People are talking about the Greenwich Design District which is conveniently located in downtown Greenwich, Connecticut in between 95 and the Merritt Parkway. In this fast-paced high-tech life, it is refreshing to know that there are strong communities out there. One such community is the Greenwich Design District, a collaborative community of more than 15 design related retail stores and showrooms that believe that both consumers and design professionals want to touch, feel and experience the products and services they are buying. Excellent customer service is no longer a luxury it is a necessity. These shops believe in providing the ultimate environment that will inspire you to want to design and decorate your home.
With the trend and preference for shopping local, both designers and consumers can find everything home related from bed and bath to tile and textiles as well as fabrics, frames, furnishings, art, antiques, accessories all in a few short blocks.
The idea is to inspire, inform and educate today’s discerning consumer. Retailing as it is meant to be.